Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Dennis Rodman :: essays research papers

Dennis Rodman Title: Bad As I Wanna Be Author: Dennis Rodman with Tim Keown # of pages: 258 Setting: The book takes place in Dallas, Texas where Dennis Rodman lived while he was a kid, Detroit, Michigan where Dennis Rodman played basketball for the Detroit Pistons, San Antonio, Texas where Dennis Rodman played basketball for the San Antonio Spurs, and Chicago, Illinois where Dennis Rodman is currently playing for the Chicago Bulls. Character: Dennis Rodman. A pro basketball player who plays for the Chicago Bulls. He averages 18.7 rebounds a game which 90% of the time is the best in the NBA. He is currently making 10 million dollars a year. He is divorced and has a daughter named Alexis. He says Alexis is the only reason he is here today. Summary: On April of 1993 Dennis Rodman sat in his pick-up truck with a gun in his lap deciding whether he should kill himself. He was in depression at the time because the Detroit Pistons were doing very poorly that year considering they were Champions of the World just three years before that. The NBA had changed Dennis Rodman into someone he didn't even know. It seemed as though Dennis spent his life trying to be what others wanted him to be. Once he realized he had to start living for himself, people perceived him as being rebellious and as most people say weird. Dennis Rodman just wants everyone to know who he really is and to accept him for himself and to let him do his job. Theme: I learned that Dennis Rodman is not as crazy as everyone thinks he is. He is actually a very normal person. I think the reason this book was released is because Dennis Rodman has a very interesting life. People want to know what it is like

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